Perhaps you’re considering LASIK in Washington DC. You may have perused our website and even talked to a doctor or two, asking thoughtful questions. That is wonderful. However, do you know all that you need to know? There are many questions that are frequently asked among LASIK patients in Washington DC but there are many more that patients may not think to ask. Here are a few facts that may be helpful in your decision to have LASIK in DC and in finding the right physician. They may give you some in-depth answers about your procedure.
- LASIK is not all about looks- As glasses have become more of a fashion statement, their wearers may not feel as self-conscious about their looks while sporting them. However, glasses and even contact lenses can still prove inconvenient. Glasses are less helpful to one’s peripheral vision when driving. Contact lenses can be irritating and pose risk for infection. They can also ruin your beach vacation, where sand and saltwater can irritate the eye. Both forms of corrective lenses can be lost and damaged while playing sports. Both, also, cost money to replace.
- The procedure is simpler than the aftercare– LASIK only takes about 10 minutes per eye on average. As far as surgeries go, it is relatively simple. However, there are very specific steps involved in the recovery period. Patients will experience some minor eye irritation afterwards, similar to having an eyelash stuck in the eye. If you choose to have LASIK in Washington DC, you should have someone to drive you home after the procedure. As with any surgery, you will need to rest after, but bear in mind, you will have to wake up and take eye drops every few hours. Also, you will have to sleep on your back to avoid getting substances in the eye, and will also have to avoid getting water in the eye (your own tears are, of course, safe). All in all, this makes for a week of minor inconvenience. However, patients declare that the newfound clear vision and life without the hassle of corrective lenses are well worth it!
- Most patients see better than 20/20– When we see most, we mean over 70%. Several of our Washington DC LASIK patients go from inability to read the big “E” at the top of an eye chart to seeing better than their friends with normal vision. This can improve driving ability, athletic ability, and overall quality of life for many.
- LASIK is a well-established and trusted procedure– Many of us see LASIK as a futuristic surgery, however, it has been around for over 20 years. Thanks to improved technology and computer guidance, however, our Washington DC LASIK doctors have made great advances. The procedures are faster, safer, and more accurate than ever, drastically improving patient vision. Your Washington DC LASIK doctor will be sure to relay the many benefits of this procedure and guide you through this quick and simple process.
We hope we have helped to answer some of your questions about LASIK in Washington DC. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision and put trust in your ophthalmologist. If you are interested in corrective laser-eye surgery for your vision, contact our Washington DC LASIK office today.